Prostate Cancer Survivors and Mentors
We are fortunate to have the following people available to provide support to patients and their families. Please feel free to contact them with your questions.
My name is Gaetan and I am a four year prostate cancer survivor. Following surgery of a radical prostatectomy, it was discovered the cancer had spread to the seminal vesicles thus requiring thirty three treatments of radiation. So far all my PSA readings have shown undetectable. This support group I attend has been extremely informative. I've learned from the men in this group that every case is different. As well we have all benefitted from a regular guest speaker Dr.M. Pianezza a well known surgeon and urologist, among other specialists in the medical field that give of their precious time to answer our questions. We can ask questions without feeling pressured for time that may occur in a regular office setting. The casual and relaxed atmosphere of this group and our speakers has answered many questions that some of us would probably still be asking ourselves. As a male l learned to speak openly about my cancer and my feelings. Also I became more aware of listening to other men and their experiences. For me one thing that makes this group special is that we are all living with this type of cancer and that makes for great camaraderie among us.
Call me anytime at 705-524-3884 or email me at
My name is Gord and I had prostate cancer. At the time of my diagnosis I was a healthy and very active 69 year old. I did not exhibit any of the usual signs indicating a prostate problem. I did not urinate frequently had no blood in my urine, no discomfort when I urinated and had a good steady stream. Even the rectal exam showed no abnormalities. The only thing that indicated a problem was the climbing of my PSA number even when I was on medication. My family physician referred me to a urologist who ordered a biopsy. The results were inconclusive, I was not too worried at the time, but looking for more information, my wife and I found a void. We were on our own to research and gather information wherever we could find it.
It was after my surgery that we heard about the support group and have found it most supportive to have people to talk to that can relate to what my wife and I have been thru.
Make no mistake being diagnosed with prostate cancer affects both you and your partner.
I believe this is the main purpose of the support group. It is there to offer information and support.
If you are not comfortable discussing personal health problems with a group I will talk to you over the phone or in person.
We can't make the decision for you. All we can do is let you know what our situation was and how we dealt with it.
You are not alone. We are as close as a phone call. 705 583-2343
My experience with prostate cancer began in November 2007. I had a physical and my PSA was at 14. My family doctor did not find a tumor and I was told the test was an aberration. I was not exhibiting any signs of a problem with my prostate. In April 2008 I had a second PSA which was at 15.6. I then met a urologist who detected a tumor in my prostate. I underwent a bone scan which showed the cancer had not spread. The urologist then recommended a radical prostatectomy. I was shocked and decided to have a second opinion with Dr. Fleshner at Princess Margaret. This was in May 2008. He also recommended a radical prostatectomy as I was 8 out of 10 on the Gleason scale which meant the cancer was very aggressive. Alternatives were ruled out and I had the operation done by Dr. Fleshner, who is an urologist/oncologist, July 18, 2008. Fortunately, the tumor had not spread to my lymph nodes, however there were a few cancer cells left on the margins. Within a year they began to multiply so I had radiation therapy involving 35 treatments. The radiation killed the cancer cells but also damaged my colon, which led to over a year of treatments. Then in July 2012 I developed chronic radiation cystitis which took until February 2016 to overcome. As of June 2019, after ten years, my PSA continues to be undetectable.
During my journey, I dealt with the Toronto Prostate Cancer Support Group and Supportive Care at HSN Cancer Centre. I was impressed with the help and insights I received which led me to obtaining my CCS facilitator designation with Mrs. Lessard. She started the Sudbury Prostate Cancer Support Group which my wife and I have now taken over.
Check out the website for information which may help you. It helps to speak to others about issues which may arise and share your experience. I am available to speak to you at 705-674-9801 or via email at